Who am I?


I have always been a writer, it's not only in my blood but in the essence of who I am. I'm studying towards my BEd through UNISA and I'm trying to make sense of the thoughts in my head through the use of a blog. I figure if I can help others like myself, then my numb states, irritability, and complete lack of love for myself will help someone out there feel like they're not and that there are options. 


A lot of my posts contain triggers and I urge those who respond to these to be open and honest with themselves and make a move towards finding some sort of help. There are many resources out there should you need them (I will post them at the bottom of my page). Please try to reach out if you feel you have no further options - suicide is not the answer and someone is always there.


To those who do know me, some of my posts may come as a shock to you, I bare all and I speak about my very real feelings and reactions, if you feel I have offended you in some way with my posts, I apologize, but by that same token, the truth hurts. Please understand that as I am writing, I am trying to shed the negativity that comes with depression, I am trying to rid myself of the pain and angst that I feel, so should you feel offended, look inwards.