I'm on antidepressants and I was on anti anxiety medication (note past tense YAY me) and I've come to understand that I was a very unhappy and angry person in my day to day life and without realising or knowing, I was projecting this unhappiness onto everyone I came into contact with, for instance I completely pushed my ex away even though we were living together, I was under the impression that he was doing everything to hurt me; meanwhile I was subconsciously sabotaging my own happiness and in a way making him very unhappy too - I'm not saying that he didn't have his faults, I know he did and there were plenty- I am mainly acknowledging that I needed to change.
Some days are still very rough and I find it difficult to get through without becoming a murderous cow and then some days are magnificent, I go to boxing and I finish assignments and I feel like a thousand bucks (well the literal form on that would be uber awkward) I suppose it's just the level of endorphins that I've produced on a particular day.
I'm alright now though, even though I'm living with my mom on a plot 60kms from work (changed employers by the way EXCITEMENT) I know that nothings going to take me down - I am too strong for that.